Research and Projects

Analysis of Automated Ball-Strike System in AAA Baseball

Senior research paper: Analyzing the effects the Automated-Ball-Strike system had on baseball when tested in the minor leagues. Initial findings are that human umps show deficiencies in ability to call fastballs compared to offspeeds, and curveballs compared to sliders, were the robotic system does not. Approved for school credit, but am still working with Dr. Ruddy to further investigate.

Evaluating ’23 NFL Pass Rush Draft Prospects Based on Physical Metrics

Project presented at 2023 Ohio State Sports Analytics Conference with my good friend Naveen Elliott. We used NFL combine data from current NFL players to assess common combine events elite players excelled in for edge and interior pass rush prospects. Then, used our results to find “our guys” of the 2023 draft class. An adaptation of our NFL Big Data Bowl Submission from the same year.

2023 Syracuse Basketball Analytics Competition Submission

An analytic scouting report attempting to explain the Warriors elevation of play in the playoffs on an individual and team level. Presented at the 2023 competition.

The Value of Rookie WRs and RBs in the NFL

Final Project for Spring ’22 ECON 4831 Sports Data Analytics and Economic Analysis. We grouped NFL Wide Receivers and Running Backs production by whether they were on their rookie contract or not. We quantified how the average player in each group preforms and used regression techniques to show which position group was a better investment in free agency.